Sunday, November 17, 2013

Turkey Roll Game

Here's a fun game for the kids to play on Thanksgiving Day!

What you'll need:
-Cookies (We used Oreo's)
-Bag of Plain M&M's
-Candy Corn
-Candy Eyes

Separate the M&M's into two brown paper bags, three colors in one, three in the other.
Write #1 and #2 on the bags.

Put the Candy Eyes and Candy Corn Beaks in a small bowl and print out the 
Turkey Roll Cards for each player.

Here's how to play:
Each player starts with a cookie on their card and takes a turn rolling the die.  
Look at the roll chart to see what kind of candy it tells you to place on your card.
You must build all five feathers, two eyes one nose and two legs.
Whoever builds their turkey first wins!  Then you can eat it!

Click on the Turkey Roll card and copy it to your computer.

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